What Can You Do With A Degree In Biology?

Biology is an incredibly versatile and fascinating subject. It is the scientific study of all living things, from the smallest microorganisms to the most complex organisms on Earth.

With a degree in biology, graduates can pursue a variety of career options and make a positive impact on society. This article will explore what one can do with a degree in biology, highlighting some of the most popular career paths for those who have studied this field.

In recent years, the demand for professionals with degrees in biology has been steadily increasing due to the growing need for highly-skilled individuals in industries like healthcare, biotechnology, and environmental protection. As such, graduates of this field are well-positioned to take advantage of numerous opportunities that can lead them to successful careers across many sectors.

Overview Of The Field

Biology is the scientific study of living organisms and encompasses a wide range of topics, from genetic engineering to plant sciences, medical microbiology, bioethics, and zoology.

It is an interdisciplinary field that combines elements of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biochemistry to understand the complexities of life.

Biology degrees provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the structure and function of living organisms. They also gain a thorough knowledge of how biological processes work and how they are affected by environmental factors.

With a degree in biology, students can pursue careers in research, medicine, teaching, conservation or other related fields. In addition to traditional career paths such as medical doctor or research scientist, graduates may also find opportunities in policy-making roles or other areas involving bioethics.

A degree in biology offers graduates many exciting career options.

Careers In The Biological Sciences

The study of biology has many applications and extends into a wide variety of disciplines, from genetic engineering to marine biology and forensic science.

With a degree in biology, you can pursue an exciting career in zoology, botany, or any other field related to biological sciences. There are also many opportunities for research and development in the field.

For example, genetic engineers use their knowledge of genetics to create new organisms or modify existing ones. Marine biologists explore the depths of oceans and seas to understand the unique habitats found there and develop strategies to protect them. Forensic scientists use their expertise in biological sciences to identify suspects and reconstruct crime scenes.

Zoologists study animal behavior, while botanists analyze plant life and their interactions with their environment. No matter which career path you choose, a degree in biology will open up numerous possibilities for making a positive impact on our world.

Biomedical Research

Cellular Biology is the study of the structure and function of a cell, including its components, processes, and environment. Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes that occur in living organisms, including the interactions between different molecules and the effects of these interactions on the organism. Genetics is the study of how traits are inherited and passed on from generation to generation, and how they are affected by environmental factors.

Cellular Biology

Cellular biology is a fascinating field of biomedical research that allows us to explore the inner workings of living organisms.

From genetic engineering to plant pathology to animal behavior, cellular biologists investigate how cells work, how they interact with one another, and how they contribute to the health and well-being of organisms.

As a cellular biologist, you can dedicate your career to understanding the intricacies of cell structure and function, developing new technologies for diagnosing and treating diseases, or studying the relationship between genetics and behavior.

The possibilities are endless within this field, making it a great choice for those seeking meaningful work in science.

With a degree in biology, you can pursue a career that is both intellectually stimulating and socially impactful.


Biochemistry is a vital part of biomedical research, providing insights into the chemical processes that occur within living organisms. It can be used to study the structure and function of biomolecules, understand metabolic pathways, and uncover how genetic information is expressed in cells.

Bioinformatics is also an important tool for biochemists, as it allows them to analyze complex datasets related to gene regulation, disease diagnosis and treatment, and evolutionary biology.

With the help of modern technology, biochemists are able to explore the molecular basis of life with unprecedented detail. As such, they play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of life at its most basic level.


Genetics, a branch of biology that focuses on the study of inherited traits, is a major area of focus in biomedical research.

Through the use of genetic engineering and gene therapy, scientists are able to modify or repair genes to treat diseases.

Bioinformatics plays an important role in genetics as it enables researchers to analyze large datasets related to gene expression and mutation.

By leveraging this data, scientists are better equipped to understand the genetic basis of health and disease, which can lead to improved treatments for both common and rare conditions.

Ultimately, advances in genetics have the potential to revolutionize healthcare by providing more effective therapies for patients around the world.

Environmental Science

Environmental science is an area of study that deals with the interactions between organisms and the environment.

It includes fields such as eco tourism, sustainability practices, marine ecology, climate change, and ecological engineering.

Eco tourism is a form of tourism focused on the appreciation and protection of nature. It encourages travelers to explore natural wonders while still respecting the local environment.

Sustainability practices involve finding ways to reduce resource use without compromising economic development or environmental quality.

Marine ecology studies how organisms interact with each other and their environment in oceans and other aquatic ecosystems.

Climate change refers to changes in global temperature that can have a significant effect on both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Finally, ecological engineering involves designing solutions to environmental problems using natural systems as models.

Veterinary Science

The study of Veterinary Science is an exciting and rewarding career path for those with a degree in biology. It involves caring for animals, providing medical treatments, and maintaining their health.

With a degree in biology, you can explore the following areas:

  • Animal nutrition: You can learn the basics of animal nutrition, including how to assess diet needs and develop feeding plans.

  • Lab techniques: You can gain experience in lab techniques such as testing blood samples, conducting urinalysis tests, and culturing specimens.

  • Clinic management: You will learn about clinic operations, including inventory control and scheduling appointments for animals.

  • Animal behavior: You will learn about animal behavior and communication methods to help better understand their needs.

  • Species identification: You will gain expertise in recognizing different species of animals and understanding their unique behaviors.

By studying Veterinary Science with a degree in biology, you can make a difference in the lives of animals everywhere. You will be able to provide them with quality care while also learning valuable skills that you can use to help others throughout your career journey.

Education And Teaching

A degree in biology can open up a range of educational and teaching opportunities. With a degree in biology, individuals can pursue a variety of careers in the teaching field.

Educational Opportunities

A degree in biology may open up a number of educational opportunities.

A graduate with a biology degree could become a genetics counselor, helping people understand the implications of genetic testing and counseling families.

Marine biologists can study ocean life and its impact on environmental health.

Plant pathologists specialize in diseases that affect plants, providing solutions to farmers and other agricultural professionals.

All of these fields offer rewarding opportunities for those seeking to help others through science.

With hard work and dedication, a biology degree may be the key to making a difference in someone else’s life.

Teaching Careers

One career path for those with a degree in biology is teaching. Teaching can involve instructing students on the basics of biology or introducing them to more complex scientific concepts. Educators in this field may be involved in developing lesson plans, delivering lectures, and grading assignments.

Those with a passion for medical diagnostics could pursue a career as an online tutor, helping students better understand how genetics counseling works and providing guidance on scientific writing. This type of work requires patience, dedication, and compassion for helping others learn about the world of biology.

With enthusiasm and drive, those with a degree in biology can find success in a teaching career that allows them to share their knowledge and make an impact on students’ lives.

Pharmaceuticals And Biotechnology

A degree in biology opens up a wide range of career opportunities, particularly in the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

Drug development is an area of particular importance, and those with a background in biology can contribute to the development, testing, and production of drugs.

Genomic engineering is also becoming increasingly important in this field, as it enables researchers to modify and improve existing drug treatments.

Bioprocessing engineering is another key area that focuses on the production of biopharmaceuticals such as vaccines and monoclonal antibodies.

Molecular diagnostics is also a growing sector which involves using molecular technology to diagnose diseases more accurately than ever before.

Finally, biomedical engineering combines biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics to develop medical devices and treatments that can be used to diagnose or treat patients.

Molecular Biology

Molecular biology is a branch of biology that focuses on the structure and function of genes, proteins, and other molecules within organisms. It seeks to understand how these molecules interact with each other and how they affect the functioning of cells, tissues, and organs.

With a degree in molecular biology, one can pursue a career in genetic engineering, bioinformatics, biostatistics, evolutionary biology, or marine biology.

Genetic engineering is a rapidly growing field that involves modification of an organism’s genome through techniques such as gene cloning or DNA sequencing in order to create new traits or introduce new organisms into an ecosystem.

Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary science that combines computer science with biology to analyze large data sets generated from biological experiments such as gene sequencing or proteomics.

Biostatistics applies statistics to biological data to better understand the distribution and patterns of health-related phenomena.

Evolutionary biology is the study of the process by which species change over time in response to environmental changes and natural selection.

Finally, marine biology studies life forms found in oceans and seas including their behavior, physiology, ecology, and evolution.

These are just some of the many career paths available for those with a degree in molecular biology. The skills acquired through this degree will enable graduates to explore new frontiers in modern science while making meaningful contributions to society.

Government And Regulatory Agencies

Environmental Regulation is a key focus of government and regulatory agencies, as they strive to protect the environment and promote sustainability. Biomedical research is another important focus of these agencies, as they seek to identify and understand the causes of diseases and develop treatments and therapies. Conservation planning is also a priority for these agencies, as they work to protect natural resources and promote sustainability.

Environmental Regulation

A degree in biology can provide an individual with the skills to work for government and regulatory agencies.

In particular, environmental regulation is a field that requires knowledge of ecology and public health. For example, ecological restoration projects require an understanding of how ecosystems function, while public health requires an understanding of biological processes to ensure safety standards are met.

Additionally, chemical engineering techniques are often used to assess the impact of pollutants on the environment.

This combination of expertise allows biologists to become influential members of government and regulatory agencies, allowing them to help protect our environment and promote public health.

With the right skillset, individuals with a degree in biology can make a real difference in the world.

Biomedical Research

Biomedical research offers an exciting field for biologists who are interested in combining their knowledge of biology with the latest technologies.

Through genetic engineering, medical diagnostics, and biochemistry, biologists can contribute to the advancement of medicine and healthcare.

This type of research has the potential to develop new treatments for various diseases, as well as improve existing treatments and medical procedures.

Furthermore, it can lead to discoveries that could save lives and improve quality of life for countless individuals.

It is a rewarding career that can make a real difference in society by improving public health.

By honing their skills in this field, biologists have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on our world.

Conservation Planning

Government and Regulatory Agencies play a critical role in conservation planning to ensure the health of our environment.

In particular, they are responsible for regulating activities that can have an impact on climate change, such as the use of genetic engineering and eco-tourism.

Through their efforts, they can help create policies and initiatives that protect natural resources from overuse or destruction.

Additionally, they can provide guidance to organizations and individuals on how to best conserve ecosystems and habitats for future generations.

By taking these actions, regulatory agencies can help preserve biodiversity and promote sustainability.

With their work, they can ensure that our planet remains healthy for today and tomorrow’s generations.

Conservation And Wildlife Management

The field of biology offers a wide range of career opportunities. This section explores conservation and wildlife management, a sector in which biologists can make significant contributions.

Biologists may specialize in various areas related to conservation and wildlife management, such as ecological restoration, marine biology, plant taxonomy, animal anatomy, genetics and evolution.

Ecological restoration involves the rehabilitation of ecosystems that have been damaged by human activities. Marine biologists study the diversity of marine species and their interactions with their environment. Plant taxonomists classify plants according to their morphology or genetic characteristics, while animal anatomists examine the structure of animals’ bodies for scientific purposes. Genetics and evolution are two fundamental biological disciplines that can help us understand how species evolve over time and how certain traits are passed down from one generation to the next.

A degree in biology can be used to pursue a career in conservation or wildlife management in any one of these areas. Biologists working in this field often collaborate with governments as well as local communities to preserve endangered species, manage protected habitats and promote sustainable development.

They also work closely with environmental organizations on projects such as reforestation efforts or mitigating climate change effects on important ecosystems. With the help of biologists specializing in conservation and wildlife management, we can strive towards preserving our planet’s biodiversity for future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Entry-Level Jobs Are Available With A Degree In Biology?

A degree in Biology opens up a wide range of entry-level job opportunities, such as biotech research, marine biology, wildlife management, data analysis and plant genetics.

Biotech research involves the use of biological processes to develop products or technologies that can be used for commercial purposes.

Marine biology is the study of ocean ecosystems and their interactions with humans.

Wildlife management focuses on protecting species from extinction and preserving habitats.

Data analysis is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information.

Plant genetics focuses on understanding how genetic variation affects plant growth, development and evolution.

All these entry-level roles offer exciting career prospects for those with a degree in Biology.

Are There Online Biology Degree Programs Available?

Exploring the options for an online biology degree program can give students the opportunity to further their education and advance their career goals.

With access to digital resources such as industry trends, salary negotiation, networking opportunities and professional development, students can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career in biology.

An online degree program allows students to have flexibility in their studies, making it easier for them to balance work, family and other commitments while still obtaining the credentials they need for success.

With an online biology degree program in hand, students will be well-equipped with necessary qualifications to enter the field of biology with confidence.

What Type Of Salaries Can I Expect With A Degree In Biology?

A degree in Biology can open up a variety of career paths and job opportunities. With the right job skills, graduates of biology degree programs can find themselves on the job search for positions with attractive salary ranges.

Career options range from research scientist to lab technician, with salaries ranging from $50,000 to $125,000.

Additionally, many employers are looking for applicants who have a strong background in the biological sciences which makes having a degree an important asset when beginning a job search.

What Is The Job Outlook For People With A Degree In Biology?

A degree in biology provides a variety of career paths and professional opportunities.

In addition to science careers, those with a biology degree can pursue networking strategies, job interviews, and other related activities.

The job outlook for people with a degree in biology is positive, as there are many fields that are available for graduates.

With the right skill set and dedication to success, individuals with a degree in biology can find rewarding employment opportunities that provide meaningful benefits to their communities.

Are There Graduate Degree Programs In Biology?

Those who have a degree in biology can pursue graduate studies in this field.

Many graduate programs offer courses on genetics research and lab techniques, data analysis, as well as field research.

These courses provide students with the skills necessary to explore a variety of career paths within biology.

Additionally, graduates may also be able to work in specialized fields such as environmental science, public health, and biotechnology.

With a graduate degree in biology, individuals can advance their knowledge base and open new opportunities for future growth.


A degree in biology can be a great way to pursue a career in science and research. With the right program and training, those who have earned a bachelor’s degree in biology can go on to find many rewarding careers.

Entry-level jobs include laboratory technician or research assistant, while more advanced positions may include biochemist, scientific writer, or environmental scientist. Online degree programs provide convenient access to course materials and allow students to learn at their own pace. The salary range for those with a degree in biology varies widely depending on job experience and location, but most professionals can expect an annual salary between $30,000 and $60,000.

The job outlook for those with a degree in biology is very positive; according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the profession is expected to grow by 7% over the next decade. This growth is largely due to the increasing demand for medical professionals and researchers as well as advancements in technology that require biologists to stay up-to-date with their knowledge.

Those who wish to pursue more advanced study can enroll in graduate programs such as Master’s or Doctoral degrees which will open up even more opportunities for them professionally.

In conclusion, a degree in Biology offers many avenues for professional advancement. With entry-level positions available upon completion of a Bachelor’s program and further education options available through graduate schools, those with a degree in Biology have access to numerous career paths that involve research and discovery. The field of Biology is growing rapidly as technology advances; this means that those who have earned their degrees will continue to be sought after by employers seeking top talent.

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