The Best Online Architecture Tutors in Manchester

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Professional Online Architecture Tutors in Manchester

All of our high quality online architecture tutors in manchester are interviewed and background-checked before tutoring on Spires.

professional online Architecture tutor Flavie
Architect , AA, CSM, UCL

Professional Architect and passionate Tutor.

I believe we have something to learn from each other, with the hope to challenge the understanding of our profession on multiple fronts.

I would love to help you discover these moments of inspiration, intuition and collaborative participation.

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434 hours taught
professional online Architecture tutor Richard
Architecture, Architectural Association School of Architecture, London

From the Bartlett as an undergraduate Architecture student, to Architectural Association being a recent winner of the prestigious RIBA President's Dissertation Medal.

Nothing is impossible, I will help you realize your potential.

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professional online Architecture tutor Stu
Architecture, Cardiff Universtiy

Very experienced architecture tutor with a love of making places better.

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professional online Architecture tutor Rob
Architecture and Building Information and Management, University of Portsmouth

♦ I am here to provide what my teachers never gave me. QUALITY not quantity > Less for more. With a FEW lessons, you`ll be DONE. This is about VALUE, not cost. I'll make sure you know ALL YOU NEED IN NO TIME ♦

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professional online Architecture tutor STELLA
Fine Art & Art History, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK

I am a very efficient tutor, always clear and to the point, uplifting and highly knowledgeable in my field.

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1101 hours taught
professional online Architecture tutor Lucy
Classics, Art, Oxford

Experienced school Classics/Art/EPQ/English teacher and former marker. Practising artist. Languages, art and ancient history are my passions and I love to pass these on to my students in inspiring and engaging ways.

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671 hours taught
professional online Architecture tutor Cora
History of Art, UCL (PhD), Yale University (Visiting Scholar), Courtauld Institute of Art (MA), University of Cambridge (BA)

Experienced and Enthusiastic History of Art Tutor: PhD student with First Class BA from the University of Cambridge and Distinction in MA History of Art from the Courtauld.

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168 hours taught
professional online Architecture tutor Ross
English Literature (Hons), Cambridge University

Highly experienced professional tutor covering a range of subjects, but with a specialism in SAT, ACT, GMAT and GRE.

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60 hours taught
professional online Architecture tutor Sophia
Architecture, University of Cambridge

Multi-award winning, 10 years experience, fully qualified architectural designer, writer and entrepreneur.

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professional online Architecture tutor Cleo
architecture, accademia architettura

Graduated architect gives lessons of 2D & 3D CAD and GRAPHICS from Vectorworks, Archicad, Autocad, Rhinoceros, QGIS, the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Indesign. And Illustrator) and Excel

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Recent Architecture Tutor Class Reviews

Flavie - Heather- Architecture - Postgraduate
11th March 2025
Flavie - Heather- Architecture - Postgraduate
8th March 2025
Flavie - Heather- Architecture - Postgraduate
6th March 2025
Vast amount of knowledge, easy to work with. Great tutor.
Flavie - Kyla- Architecture - Undergraduate
11th June 2024
Very informative, so helpful with the feedback!
Stu - Hattie- Architecture - Undergraduate
15th April 2024
Always understanding and helpful.
Stu - Beverly- Architecture - Other
18th February 2024
Stu is an amazing tutor. He listens and understand you and helps you out. To be honest I feel comfortable with my work after working with Stu. Thank you Stu!
Sygun (Siggi) - Ellie- Architecture - Undergraduate
6th November 2023
Lovely very helpful and great guidance
Myrto Maria - Hiba- Architecture - Undergraduate
17th June 2023
Good very informative
Myrto Maria - Olubunmi- Architecture - Undergraduate
24th April 2023
So helpful and informative!
Flavie - Lailan- Architecture - Undergraduate
9th March 2023
Very knowledgeable, excellent tutor I can see a huge difference in my work since we began tuition together

Pricing Per Hour

Spires is a marketplace. Tutors will bid on your job. Their prices will depend on your needs and their expertise.

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Primary & Secondary

From $30/hr.

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Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Admissions

From $40/hr.

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Chartered Qualifications

From $50/hr.

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Online Tutors FAQs

How can expert online tutoring support me in studying architecture?

At Spires Online Tutors, we understand the unique challenges of studying architecture. Our expert tutors will assess your starting point and create a personalised schedule to help you achieve your goals. We focus on areas of weakness, boost your self-confidence, and foster positive learning habits.

Why should I choose Spires Online Tutors for private architecture lessons?

Spires Online Tutors maintains the highest quality standards, with only 4% of professional tutors making it onto our platform. Our tutors have extensive experience in mentoring, teaching, and lecturing at various levels, including university, secondary, and primary. They also possess substantial tutoring experience.

What qualifications do architecture tutors on Spires have?

All our architecture tutors hold degrees from leading universities and colleges in the UK, the USA, and worldwide. They have PhD, MSc, MA, BSc, or bachelor’s degrees in their respective fields. Some tutors even have chartered accreditation and professional evaluation tutoring, demonstrating their expertise and success in the industry.

How does Spires’ online private tutoring for architecture work?

Finding a personal architecture tutor on Spires is simple. Just follow these four steps:Use the “Find a Tutor” function to create a job post, specifying your requirements.Discover your ideal online tutor by filtering the search results based on your needs. Check out their profiles, feedback, and ratings before contacting them.Have your online 1-on-1 architecture lessons at your preferred time and location. All lessons take place online, allowing for flexibility and convenience.Access recordings of your classes and review them whenever you need to reinforce your learning.

Is it necessary to have a tutor near me for architecture lessons?

No, it is not essential to have a tutor near your location. With Spires Online Tutors, you can access the best architecture tutors from anywhere in the world. Our online platform provides a wide range of specialist tutors, ensuring you receive the best assistance without leaving your home.

Who will be my architecture tutor?

At Spires, you have access to hundreds of highly qualified architecture tutors. You can view their profiles, examine their qualifications, background, and experience, and even have a chat via webcam to determine if they are the right fit for you. The choice is all yours!

How many architecture tutors are available on Spires?

We currently have over 800 tutors with academic and professional experience specializing in architecture. Our tutors cover various topics, including architectural design, construction, history, and more. You can find the perfect tutor to meet your specific needs and goals.

Do Spires tutors provide tutoring for specific levels of architecture study?

Yes, our architecture tutors cater to all levels of study. Whether you are a university student, pursuing a professional qualification, or preparing for an architecture exam, our tutors are here to help. They have expertise in various levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate and beyond.

What are the benefits of online architecture tutoring?

There are several benefits to online architecture tutoring:Accessibility: Online tutoring allows you to access high-quality learning resources regardless of your location. You can learn from top-notch tutors tailored to your learning style.Time Efficiency: Online tutoring offers flexibility, allowing you to schedule lessons at your convenience. You can easily fit studying into your daily routine without sacrificing other activities.Cost-Effective: Online tutoring eliminates the need for travel expenses associated with in-person tutoring. It provides personalised learning at a more affordable rate.Flexibility: Online tutoring sessions can be scheduled at a time that suits both you and your tutor. You can tap into global knowledge resources from the comfort of your own home.Comfort: Online tutoring allows you to learn in a comfortable environment, ensuring real-time interaction with experienced professionals.

Can Spires Online Tutors help students from Manchester study at universities in the UK?

Yes, Spires Online Tutors has a proven track record of helping students from Manchester secure spots at prestigious universities in the UK. Our tutors provide university admissions tuition, including Oxbridge tutoring. Some of the top institutions our students have attended include the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the University of Salford.

What top institutions do students and families who use Spires Tutors in Manchester attend?

Spires Online Tutors has successfully supported students in Manchester to gain admission to renowned educational institutions such as the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the University of Salford. We also have experience assisting students in local primary schools, including Fox Primary School, Hampstead Parochial CofE Primary School, and Bousfield Primary School. Our tutors have helped students excel in both independent and state schools in Manchester, ensuring a well-rounded education experience.

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