Online MATLAB Tutor Francesca



Engineering PhD



Former university lecturer at Newcastle University. I have helped university students for many years with Maths exams and Matlab projects. My mission is to make mathematical concepts easy to understand with examples and applications, that give new meaning to all those obscure equations.
I love to share my passion for Matlab and make it an easy tool to use in your studies :)

408 classes

University of Edinburgh - Engineering - PhD

Former university lecturer at Newcastle University. I have helped university students for many years with Maths exams and Matlab projects. My mission is to make mathematical concepts easy to understand with examples and applications, that give new meaning to all those obscure equations.
I love to share my passion for Matlab and make it an easy tool to use in your studies :)

Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 421
Last Online:
All-time Students: 44
Total Classes: 408
Signed Up:
Recent Students: 2Total Hours: 421Last Online:
All-time Students: 44Total Classes: 408Signed Up:

About Me

My name is Francesca and I am a maths and a teaching enthusiast. I have taught university students for 7 years and I really loved it. Now I am working in an engineering company but I still love teaching, so I hope to support as many students as I can in their journey.

Tutor Experience

Former university lecturer at Newcastle University. I have helped university students for many years with Maths exams and Matlab projects. My mission is to make mathematical concepts easy to understand with examples and applications, that give new meaning to all those obscure equations.
I love to share my passion for Matlab and make it an easy tool to use in your studies :)
During my years at University I have had the chance to support many Stage 1 and Stage 2 students in their studies. Besides my “normal” lectures, I developed some extra maths tutorials to help students improve their understanding of engineering maths. I also developed and delivered Matlab courses for Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture.

Topic Expertise

Maths for undergraduate courses in Engineering, Economics and Mathematics. My favourite subjects to teach are linear algebra, analysis, probability and stochastic processes.

Matlab at any level - from undergraduate modules to PhD projects and professional training.

Client Reviews

She is very good in teaching


No words to say how she cares for her students. Thanks much appreciated




She was super helpful, explained really well how to use Matlab, and answered all my questions promptly.


You have made a subject which I don't usually enjoy really fun!

- Maths

It was a really good introduction to the concept of number sets. I very much enjoyed this first lesson, understood a lot, and felt comfortable to ask questions and to divert. I have a clear focus until the next lesson and I am looking forward to it. Thank you very much!

- Maths

Francesca was fantastic in her knowledge of matlab as well as explaining each individual step


Great lesson as always

- Maths

No one is better than Dr. Francesca in MATLAB.


She is the best in MATLAB.


Background Checks



PhD in Engineering (university of Edinburgh, 2015)
Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics (Rome, 2011)
Undergraduate degree in Mathematics (Rome, 2009)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Newcastle, 2017)

