2 tutors found
Over 10 years teaching experience in Post 16 Education, International Foundation Programmes and Private Tutoring. Specifically a wide range of UK and International Qualifications such as GCSE/iGCSE, A Level/International A Levels, Undergraduate and Post Graduate Courses. I can offer tutoring which ...
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Recent Students: 5 | Total Hours: 44 |
All-time Students: 7 | Last Online: |
Over 10 years teaching experience in Post 16 Education, International Foundation Programmes and Private Tutoring. Specifically a wide range of UK and International Qualifications such as GCSE/iGCSE, A Level/International A Levels, Undergraduate and Post Graduate Courses. I can offer tutoring which ...
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Recent Students: 5 |
Total Hours: 44 |
Classes Taught: 34 |
All-time Students: 7 |
Last Online: |
Signed up: |
My main tutoring work is in preparing students for the American standardized exams; I have experience with the SAT, SAT-2 (Subject Tests), ACT, GRE, GMAT, ISEE, and SSAT. I have helped over 200 students with their exams; of these, more than one-third made successful applications to Ivy League school...
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Recent Students: 1 | Total Hours: 193 |
All-time Students: 8 | Last Online: |
My main tutoring work is in preparing students for the American standardized exams; I have experience with the SAT, SAT-2 (Subject Tests), ACT, GRE, GMAT, ISEE, and SSAT. I have helped over 200 students with their exams; of these, more than one-third made successful applications to Ivy League school...
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Recent Students: 1 |
Total Hours: 193 |
Classes Taught: 134 |
All-time Students: 8 |
Last Online: |
Signed up: |
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