Online Academic Writing Tutor Ebony



Modern Thought & Literature PhD


Twenty years teaching as a university professor, tutor and educational consultant working across disciplines. Known for empathetic and highly effective turnaround techniques that get students writing, studying, and learning rapidly with long-term retention using research-based methods.

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Stanford University - Modern Thought & Literature - PhD

Twenty years teaching as a university professor, tutor and educational consultant working across disciplines. Known for empathetic and highly effective turnaround techniques that get students writing, studying, and learning rapidly with long-term retention using research-based methods.

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About Me

I am Stanford PhD with twenty years teaching experience as a university professor and tutor for students across disciplines at top tiered institutions. I am a skilled coach who has guided dozens of dissertations and nearly two thousand papers to completion using a unique procedure designed to get high quality writing done. For the last ten years I have taught cognitive approaches to research and writing and developed toolkits for managing attention and emotion in the learning process, increasing capacity for problem-solving, recall, and effective communication. Internationally, I coach students and professionals to learn better with the whole mind, using compelling imagery and relaxed focus techniques. Students report my sessions expand their resources organically and quickly.

Tutor Experience

*Three years teaching students at Stanford University, Pace University and New York University in Rhetoric, Gender Studies and Pedagogy for Law Professors. Intensive one-to-one tutoring and video analysis of public speaking.
*Two years tutoring students in Art, Architecture, and Engineering at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. Special attention to English Language Learners in the Professions.
*Five years teaching Rhetoric and Writing in Egypt, at the American University in Cairo. Individual tutoring for every class as part of the pedagogical approach to skills coaching.
*Seven years teaching and mentoring dissertation writers to completion in Rhetoric, Diaspora Studies, Social Thought, and Arts Education at Penn State University.
*Three years as an international educational consultant in West Africa, the Caribbean and Asia, focused on research for arts practice, community education and grant writing.

Topic Expertise

Rhetoric/Writing, Sociology, History
-Dissertation on Forms of Writing for Aid and Opportunity in the United States

Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Global Approaches to Social Theory
-Articles on Migration, Diaspora Studies, Transnational American Studies
-Mentored Graduate Students in Humanities, Social Thought, Education, Arts, Architecture, Law

Process Approach to Writing Dissertations, Mastering Specialized Vocabularies and Literature
-Specialist in Learning Theory, Particularly Experiential Learning and Cognitive Approaches to Habit Transformation

Arts Education
-Research for Arts Practice, Community Education, Transforming Field Research into Dissertations

Background Checks



PhD, Modern Thought & Literature, Stanford University
BA, Religion, Williams College

*Ten years teaching outside of the US in Rhetoric, Writing, Sociology with required one-on-one skills-based tutoring for each class.
*Ten years teaching in the US with a focus on experiential learning, English-Language Learners, and cognitive strategies to boost learning potential.
*Coached nearly two thousand papers to completion
*Experienced dissertation writing coach focused on rapid completion (four months or less)
*Research-based approach to note taking, studying, and time management

