Online Pharmacology And Pharmacy Tutor Rebekka



Pharmacy Dr. rer. nat.



Experienced pharmacist with doctoral degree in medicinal chemistry. Proficiency in teaching (organic) chemistry and pharmacology.

41 classes

Freie Universität Berlin - Pharmacy - Dr. rer. nat.

Experienced pharmacist with doctoral degree in medicinal chemistry. Proficiency in teaching (organic) chemistry and pharmacology.

Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 58
Last Online:
All-time Students: 8
Total Classes: 41
Signed Up:
Recent Students: 8Total Hours: 58Last Online:
All-time Students: 8Total Classes: 41Signed Up:

About Me

I studied Pharmacy at the Freie Universität Berlin and discovered my passion for organic chemistry and pharmacology. Therefore I conducted my doctoral studies in the field of medicinal chemistry, investigating small molecule inhibitors for cysteine proteases. I'm currently in the process to get a Postdoc position at the UNAM in Mexico City in the area of pharmaceutical biology to investigate new antibiotics.

Tutor Experience

I started my teaching experience as a teenager during Summer Camp by educating children from the age of 6-8 years for 3 years. After finishing my A levels, I completed a voluntary social service and worked as a special needs assistant and tutor in a primary school for six month.
During my studies of pharmacy, I acted as a mentor for 5 semesters for a group of 10-15 students, teaching them in basic student tasks and chemistry. I then joined as a tutor in a Summer School of the Freie Universität Berlin.
Finally as a doctoral student I was able to gain comprehensive experience in university education by assisting and managing a student's course in pharmaceutical studies: "Chemical Analysis and Drug-Monitoring, toxicological & pharmaceutical environmentally relevant testing" including in-person and online classes of 60 students for a duration of 4 years.

Topic Expertise

My expertise lays in the field of pharmacy, especially in organic chemistry and drug design. Through my profession as a pharmacist and my experience of more than 4 years working in pharmacies I'm also proficient in human biology, pharmacology and other related human health sciences.

Background Checks



I completed an education as a group trainer at the age of 15 and a qualification for mentoring at the Freie Universität of Berlin during my studies of Pharmacy.
I have a degree in Pharmacy, a licence as a Pharmacist (Approbation) as well as a doctoral degree in medicinal chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.). During my doctoral studies I was able to publish my work with three first author publications in peer-reviewed, high-impact journals.

